(702) 518-0915

Refund Policy

Refund Policy: JTNCgroup.com refund policy states that: When a member signs up they immediately benefit from the knowledge of the analytics they purchase, therefore JTNCGroup.com does not provide refunds. If you sign up for any JTNC service, plan to continue to use this service for the length of your service. There are absolutely NO REFUNDS including partial refunds for promotional events or incorrect coupon code usage, or should you forget to stop any automatic billing. JTNC subscriptions “auto renew” which will automatically charges your credit card or payment method for every renewal term.

There is no refund if a member is found to be spamming other websites, email addresses, free email sign up pages or any such solicitation to join another service. All such issues should be reported via JTNCGroup.com’s  contact page. Any member that solicits another site or service via JTNCGroup.com site shall have their account terminated with no refund of unused payment.

To remove yourself from auto renew and cancel your account, please use the “Contact us” page. You must make your termination request no later than forty (40) full business days prior to your renewal. Your billing expiration date can be found by keeping track of your start date or emailing JTNC to request information about when your membership will renew. Again, if you forget to close your account before billing recurs, there are no refunds.

“Subscription” dates can be found by reviewing your Profile page.

Cancellation Policy: As stated above, you must provide forty (40) business day’s notice prior to your auto renewal to allow JTNC to terminate your account and prevent any additional charges. Please be advised that once you request a cancellation, if you do not specify to have your account continued, your account will be terminated upon your cancellation request to prevent any additional charges or misunderstandings. To contact us use the “Contact Us” page.