(702) 518-0915

Weekly Superstars

Don’t want to sit in front of a computer every day but want to make a few extra dollars from trading? Subscribe to Quantum Flo’s Weekly Superstar service where QF algorithms provide two to four weekly options trades on Monday or Tuesday that expire on Friday. Each trade provides all the information you need to get into and out of a trade within the week in the following format:

Symbol: CVX
Expiry: 24 May 2024
Buy: $162.50 Call
Price: $1.50 or better
Target Exit: $165 CVX/Option $3.50

Trade alerts are sent via Discord and or Email with plenty of time to get into and out of a position. We post all trades live on our Discord servers as well.

During the week our QF algorithm monitors each trade and provides updates with early exits when appropriate.

The Weekly Superstars service has an exceptional track record earning over 1000% since late October 2023, winning over 65% of its’ trades with an average profit of over 12% per trade. See Track Record

Whether you trade one or several contracts, build income each week without investing hours researching the markets. Quantum Flo does the work for you.

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